To Believe It or Not?

5 minutes

To Believe It or Not?

To Believe It or Not?

There is a famous saying:

“Millionaires don’t use astrology, billionaires do”. – JP Morgan.

This should be food for thought.

Who is JP Morgan? John Pierpont Morgan was an American financier and investment banker who dominated corporate finance on Wall Street in a specific era of economic growth in USA. As the head of the banking firm that ultimately became known as J.P. Morgan and Co.

His statement has generated intrigue for the longest time and has highlighted a potential interplay between astrology and financial success.

Rumor has it that JP Morgan was also set to board the Titanic but his astrologer warned him and he did not….and we all know what happened to the Titanic.

Basically, the man believed in astrology it seems. He was financially successful too. So, astrology must be true. Can it be used as a get rich quick scheme?

Planetary energies or influences are subtle. Knowing one’s chart can provide one with insight and help you take decisions at the right time. That’s what JP Morgan likely did – Do the right thing at the right time.

Let’s get a bit more scientific, how do planets affect us?

Within the limits of our technology, we still know that the moon (which is a satellite not even planet) affects the earth more specifically tides – high tides/low tides. The moon does affect water bodies and since our body has a lot of water, moon phases do affect a lot of people on earth though lunar energy.


Coming to the sun, it’s widely acknowledged that when the sun comes out, everyone is happy. Why is that so? Is it just conditioning?

Then, let’s not forget the sunlight on our skin helps it make vitamin D. It is critical to plants for photosynthesis.


In recent times, we have started to also give credit to mercury retrogrades which happen 3 times each year and it is almost every time linked to communication issues, travel delays and breakdowns in technological devices.

It’s very possible we don’t have the technological advancement to measure the effect in a quantitative or qualitative way yet.

However, there is no harm in experimenting and seeing for yourself.

If your astrologer tells you, you have an aggressive nature due to a mars placement – so you have 2 choices:

  • You go around telling people, I am like that only I fight, I am aggressive and expect people to accept you the way you are.
  • The other choice you have is to become aware of this and become mindful and try to control your anger and not just lash out. You may go for anger management classes and soon you will see, you are able to control yourself.

Nothing is written on stone and that cannot be changed. We do have free will.

Shivani ji of Brahma Kumaris keeps saying, an astrological chart is the “opening balance” at birth for a child that is born as they have not yet performed any karmas yet. Depending on the karmas of the current lifetime, you can change the course of the chart.

In terms of a more mundane example, I go for a blood test and the doctor tells me I have high blood sugar level. I go home and change my karma (actions) and control my sugar, change my lifestyle and 6 months later, the blood tests will be normal.

Knowledge is power. I feel this is the way to go with astrology.

Use the knowledge and the energy of the planets constructively.

Should you have beneficial planetary energy, use it to your benefit. That could be for money making or for education or emotional support and stability.

Should you have other planetary energies not in your favor or an unfavorable planetary transit or period (Dasha), learn how to control it or mitigate the effects. Remedies can be both at mind and body level.

At the mind level, the astrological remedies prescribe chanting of mantras, meditation or donation of items. The purpose is to change the thought patterns. Thus, if you are just playing the mantra on your phone and listening mindlessly, will that have an effect? Or will it work better if you learn to pronounce and chant it yourself? Have the mantra translated (as most people do not understand Sanskrit) into a language that you understand so that you can relate to the message. I hope you realize; the latter is more effective as you are present in that moment and invoking the energies of the planets/deities associated with the planets by certain sounds, you change your mind at a more profound level.

You harness the energies and channel them to break the inertia in your life for example.

“Energy cannot be created or destroyed; it can only be changed from one form to another.” ― Albert Einstein

Remedies at the physical level could be go for long walks (e.g For Saturn) or bring discipline to your routine or physical exercise (e.g for mars).

The essence is to take the spiritual message home, identify the patterns and change your thought patterns and eventually your behavior or your “sanskars”.

On the other hand, if someone has a problem in using astrological advice constructively, instead a person’s own tendencies and are aware that you have the tendency of taking any negative “prediction” into deeper stress and despair or you take it as a fatality; then discuss with your astrologer and request them not to tell you anything negative or just avoid astrology, palmistry or other occult techniques altogether. Ignorance is bliss sometimes.
